Gail Howard's Smart Luck Lottery Winners

Jackpot Winners Praise Smart Luck Systems

Read letters from dozens of our first prize lottery jackpot winners. Click the slideshow to the right to see the winner's photo and the complete story that appeared in a newspaper or magazine article about each of our lottery winners. Click the link at the end of each lotto winner's testimonial to read the complete article with photo. Our lotto systems and number selection strategies are the only lottery systems and strategies that can truthfully claim to have produced over one hundred documented first prize lotto jackpots. Where possible, we show the date and lottery game where each jackpot was won so that anyone can call the state lottery and verify the name of the lottery winner and the amount won on that date.

As you read through these testimonials, you will see that lottery jackpots were won with Smart Luck lotto wheels and number selection methods in nearly every year since 1985. Gail Howard holds the world's record for jackpot winning lottery systems.

Jackpot Winners Slideshow: Click photo for full story.

Disclaimer: We have no way of knowing about the wins or losses of our customers unless they tell us. Most people do not notify us of wins unless they are very large, so our testimonials are primarily of jackpot winners or winners of very large prizes. Although jackpots have happened many times, the average player who uses Smart Luck software will not win a lottery jackpot, but should be able to increase their ability to win small prizes more frequently. For example, our most popular lottery wheel #608 allows you to match at least 4 numbers out of the 6 winners drawn, if all 6 numbers are in the group of 18 you chose to wheel. 4/6 prizes usually pay out in the $50-100 range for most pick-6 lottery games. Individual results may vary.

For more customer comments and product reviews, read our Comments page. If you've used Smart Luck products, please submit your comment.

Gail Howard's Lottery Winners

See Full Lotto Winner Story “Gail, A one year anniversary is approaching that somewhat changed my life and I wanted to thank you and your Lotto Wheel Five to Win book for helping me win. On September 1, 2013, I won $393,627 in the California Lottery using one of your balanced wheels. Over the past few years I've had some measure of success with your pick-5 wheeling systems as I have gotten 4 out of 5 numbers at least twenty times with the Fantasy 5 game. I just ordered your Lottery Master Guide and look forward to even more insightful ways to help me win again. Again, thank you so much.” [Wayne M.'s Lottery Winner Story.]
california fantasy 5
--- Wayne M
See Full Lotto Winner Story“Dear Gail, I have used various wheels over the years from your book, Lotto Wheel Five to Win. What I like most is along with number selection strategies if you meet the requirements of the wheel the built-in guarantee you promise never fails! Your ONE POWER NUMBER WHEEL 53117-1 enabled me to become one of your many first prize jackpot winners.” [Alvin Ibn-Gazi's Lottery Winner Story.]
new york take 5
--- Alvin Ibn-Gazi
See Full Lotto Winner StoryMaryland State Lottery press release dated March 2, 2010:
“Win is No Coincidence for La Plata Bonus Match 5 Player
“Man Takes Home $52,000 on 52nd Birthday

“To hear David Williams talk about his big win, it wasn’t luck or even coincidence that brought him to Maryland Lottery headquarters to claim his $52,000 prize on his 52nd birthday. The key to Williams’ win? He credits his favorite Lottery 'guru' Gail Howard for giving him the tools to play the game successfully." The actual date of his win was January 31, 2010. [David Williams' Lottery Winner Story.]
maryland bonus match 5
--- David Williams
See Full Lotto Winner Story “I just couldn't wait to tell you about the ‘Treat’ bestowed upon me on Halloween, Oct. 31, 2009, and to thank you for your wonderful web site. I read everything on your site and ordered your book Lottery Master Guide and the Advantage Gold software. I took your tips off your web site and used your interactive wheel 3003 and played 11 numbers in 10 games. I couldn't believe I had all five numbers right in a row on the same line. I won $85,931.38 plus two 4's and six 3's.” [Patricia Hansen's Lottery Winner Story.]
florida fantasy 5
--- Patricia Hansen
See Full Lotto Winner Story "I won $250,000 on November 11, 2008 in my home state of Ohio, playing the MEGA MILLIONS lottery game. I have your LOTTERY MASTER GUIDE book, Advantage Gold, and WHEEL FIVE PLUS (now Wheel Five Gold) software. While playing I look for Flag Formations, Double Bottoms, and Trend Reversals. Then I check different charts, for some added information, including Drawings Since Hit, Games Out, and Quick Stats being my favorites. When I hit this prize, I used Wheel Five Plus (now Wheel Five Gold) with 30 numbers, 1 Power Number, for 76 games [Power Wheel #53030-1], including a win $3 with 3 numbers right. I have hit many small prizes of $150.00, and am looking forward to many more wins using your system. In my eyes, 'It's The BEST!' ! Once Again Thank You, Sincerely, Cynthia C." [Cynthia C.'s Lottery Winner Story.]
mega millions lottery, OH
--- Cynthia C.
See Full Lotto Winner Story "I hit the California Fantasy 5 Jackpot on January 25, 2008 using the Gail Howard lotto system. I won not only the Jackpot for $58,260.00, but also a second prize for $533.00, and a third prize for $16.00. I scored a 1st, 2nd, & 3rd prize on one ticket. I used system #52225 win 2 with 4 right, 25 numbers in 13 games. I could not have wheeled all those prizes by accident or come up with the winning numbers without the charts and Quick Stats in Gail's Advantage Gold software. I love you Gail Howard." [Pickens' Lottery Winner Story.]
california fantasy 5 5/39
--- John Pickens
See Full Lotto Winner Story "We were one of three winners who split Michigan's $45,851,401 jackpot on February 25, 1995. Our share was $15,283,800.00. We would like to thank you for your system. IT REALLY WORKS!!" [Eavey's Lottery Winner Story]
michigan lottery
--- Lonnis & Janice Eavey
"I just had to email to let you know that I stumbled across your website and ordered your books. I used one of the wheels today July, 30th, 2011 for the powerball drawing and won over 200 dollars. I have been playing the lottery for years with little to no success. I am over joyed, even with such a small win and I am encouraged to continue playing using the system that you have created. Thank you so much for a system that actually works!"
powerball lottery
--- S. Walker
See Full Lotto Winner Story "I cannot find enough words to thank you for your book. I have won 70 or 80 times with four numbers, then on May 6th the big one for $2,141,000 and a five-number prize. I'll always remember you Gail Howard." [Sims's Lottery Winner Story]
oregon lottery
--- Cleo Sims
See Full Lotto Winner Story "Thank God for you, because you are truly a miracle worker. Thanks to you I am almost half a million dollars richer $454,434.00." [Drummond's Lottery Winner Story]
california lottery
--- Mitchell Drummond
See Full Lotto Winner Story "Last time I used one of your systems I won $13.8 million dollars!" [Jaynes's Lottery Winner Story]
new york lottery
--- Sharon Jaynes
See Full Lotto Winner Story "On Jan. 26,1990 we hit our first jackpot for $395,832 using one of your systems. Then on April 1, 1993, we won first prize again. I have you to thank for being a jackpot winner again for the SECOND time." [Gscheidle's Lottery Winner Story]
pennsylvania lottery
& florida lottery
--- Fred Gscheidle & Fred Welker
See Full Lotto Winner Story "Back in 1990, I saw one of your books Lotto How to Wheel a Fortune in a store and bought it. I started using the pick 6 Balanced Wheel® and a year and a half later, I won $1,012,000 in the New Hampshire Cash Lotto Lottery. It was May 31, 1991. Your system does work, and I continued to use it. On February 19, 1993, I [had TWO $50,000 tickets and] won $100,000, playing Tri-State Cash Five. I used your pick 5 Balanced Wheel® and about a year after starting to use it, I won! I just want to say a sincere thank you for creating this system for us lottery players and helping me change my life with my then new-found fortune! You are truly awesome and inspiring!" [Vachon's Lottery Winner Story]
new hampshire cash lotto
& two tri-state cash five
--- Steve Vachon
"I nailed the Pennsylvania Lotto for $400,000 using your system. The pot was actually worth 1.2 million but I had to split with two other people. Thank you very much for changing my life for the better. Whoopee!"
pennsylvania lottery
--- William J. Jenkins
See Full Lotto Winner Story "Your system was a godsend, as I had open heart surgery and forced on disability retirement, then came my $159,462.00 lottery windfall only 30 days later. God Bless You." [Hagins's Lottery Winner Story]
california lottery
--- Kenneth Hagins
See Full Lotto Winner Story "I just knew when I got your book that this was it. We won $1,190,932.00. We are deeply appreciative to you and your Lotto system. I am convinced that it was all planned by God Almighty. You were that answer to our prayers. That makes you our Angel. Thanks Angel." [Richey's Lottery Winner Story]
michigan lottery
--- Will Richey
See Full Lotto Winner Story "Nov. 8, 1989, I hit the jackpot to the tune of $1.096 million dollars. I hit one 6# prize, two 5# prizes and three 4# prizes from your system 503. What joy and excitement! With your system it's very seldom that I don't collect some prizes." [Cloarec's Lottery Winner Story]
Canada National Lottery
--- Marie Cloarec
See Full Lotto Winner Story "Gail Howard, I would like to tell you your system 503, 4/5 win [guarantee] from your book, Lotto How to Wheel a Fortune, won myself a whopping $50,760.00 tax free in the Quebec 6/49 lottery on November 18, 2006. Boy! Did I let out a yell! We went on a shopping spree. Did we ever have a ball, something that I will never forget. We still think it's hard to believe - until it happens to you." [Popiel's Lottery Winner Story]
Canada Quebec Lottery
--- Jack A. Popiel
See Full Lotto Winner Story "I just wanted to write to tell you how you changed my life. In October I bought your book. In February 15, 1988, I used your wheels and I won $1.5 million dollars." [Hoffman's Lottery Winner Story]
pennsylvania lottery
--- Gary Hoffman
See Full Lotto Winner Story "Thanks Gail for the wonderful program of Lottery Wheels! I have won 5 plus the bonus on September 8, 2007 and have had multiple other prizes behind it. My success has come from using Wheel 64226-2 with 26 numbers, 19 plays, with 4 out of 6 wins. I am going to continue using your program so I can write you more letters and tell you of more winnings! I will also send you a photograph of me with a cheque for $69,000 and change! In closing I would like to tell you I have sent many people to your web page. Hopefully they are listening and buying! Winning regards, Steve Daw." [Daw's Lottery Winner Story.]
canada national 6/49
--- Steve Daw
"On August 30, 2006, I had four out of five white balls and the red Power ball for a $10,000 win along with the Power Play of four (4) for a total of $40,000.00. I used your 53130-2 Win 3 with 4 right, 30 Nrs in 9 games (2 Power) system. I used the information in your Lottery Master Guide to select my Power ball. Your systems have allowed me to win many small prizes, however, this was my first big win. Thanks! Ron."
Powerball Lottery, NC
--- Ronald Johnson
"On July 27, 2006, I won the top prize and eleven third-place prizes worth $15 each. Bonus Match Five's top prize is tax free. The Maryland Lottery pays the winner's taxes. The $50,000 was actually $50,000. I always knew I'd win with the Gail Howard system."
maryland lottery
--- Janette Edwards
"This is to confirm John & April Cottrell won $20,309.00 on July 11, 2006 using your Lotto Wheel Five to Win, along with your computer program to wheel the numbers. John & I are so happy with your expert advice. On March 06, I found your website & liked what we saw. John ordered your Lottery Master Guide, read that, then ordered Lotto Wheel Five to Win & also your tapes. John has studied your program since then, and has applied it to the Colorado Cash Five, the results are above. We wish to thank you for your hard work in putting these programs together at such a reasonable price. April and I both feel this is just the start.
colorado lottery
--- John & April Cottrell
"I used the numbers you have listed to wheel on page 11 in your book, LOTTO HOW TO WHEEL A FORTUNE and lotto system 401. I had 6 tickets, all winners. On June 5, 1992, I won first prize $44,694.50 and I also had a 4-number win, two 3-numbers and two free tickets."
new york lottery
--- Caroline Cammann
See Full Lotto Winner Story "I used your 12-number wheeling system to win the California Lotto. My win was for $9.48 million dollars." [Shively's Lottery Winner Story]
california lottery
--- Jim Shively
See Full Lotto Winner Story "All the exciting words used to describe my very good fortune and joy is not going to be nearly enough to sincerely thank you for your terrific system. LOTTO WHEEL FIVE TO WIN has kept me in the winning for two months with a lot of 2nd prize wins and then it happened, Hallelujah, Hallelujah! On 2/23/2000, I won the big Little Lotto Jackpot $28,822.50 plus $644.00 second prize money." [Nelson's Lottery Winner Story]
illinois lottery
--- Thomas E. Nelson
See Full Lotto Winner Story "It's been truly unbelievable winning TWO (2) jackpots playing Illinois Little Lotto. It gives me great pleasure to tell you about each win. Just recently, on April 22, 2004, I won a super jackpot for $107,021.00. (The first was on February 23, 2000 for the amount of $29,000.00.) However, this would not have taken place without Gail Howard's unique and revolutionary software. The Smart Luck Wheel 5 Plus (now Wheel Five Gold) software really reduces and helps beating the odds. In all the in between games (between jackpots) playing Little Lotto, I have won countless times from $100.00 to several hundreds of dollars and even $1,000.00 to even higher." [Nelson's Second Lottery Winner Story]
illinois lottery
--- Thomas E. Nelson
See Full Lotto Winner Story "Using your book LOTTO HOW TO WHEEL A FORTUNE helped me win the $5,350,000.00 jackpot plus SIX 5- number prizes on May 9, 1992. Again, Thank You!!!" [W.M.'s Lottery Winner Story]
virginia lottery
--- W. M., Jr.
"Your system is awesome! Using your system I won $34,708.00 in the Illinois CASH-5 lottery. It took less than 30 days after I put your system into use. I made the front page of my neighbor-hood paper. It was a great feeling and I owe it all to you."
illinois lottery
--- Thomas J. McGill
"Your system allowed me to be a big jackpot winner on 11/05/2005, in Virginia Cash 5 for $100,000.00. I used your Lottery Master Guide which is my lottery bible and your Wheel Five Plus (now Wheel Five Gold). Before that jackpot, I had won lots of 2nd prizes so finally got the big one. Your system works. There can't be a better system, if it is I'll never know. I have no need to search for one. I am becoming a skill player because of your system. Thanks again Gail for your system."
virginia lottery
--- Rosa York
See Full Lotto Winner Story "Great News! Last week, 1/19/05, I won a N.J. Cash Five jackpot of $233,594.00. I used your wheel #54118, 4 with 5 right, 18 numbers. In the same wheel I won two 4 of 5's @ $481.00 each and 33 3 of 5's @ $12.00 each for a total of $234,952. With all the high numbers that came out, it would have been impossible without your wheeling system. Thanks so much." [B's Lottery Winner Story]
new jersey lottery
--- Irwin B.
See Full Lotto Winner Story "On June 1, two of my family members and I won $1.3 million dollars in the California State Lottery. We used your 18 number combination. Thank you again!!!" [Playter's Lottery Winner Story]
california lottery
--- Richard Playter
See Full Lotto Winner Story "We are so excited about winning first prize with your 5-number Lotto System 3014 for a total winning of $244,114.50 that we had to share the good news with you. We won on the first try." [Crapse's Lottery Winner Story]
florida lottery
--- Nancy & Ralph Crapse
See Full Lotto Winner Story "I want to tell you that it was a great joy using your system #3010[53118] and winning over $36,000. My wife and I are happy that we are a part or your winning team. Thank you for your systems. Without them I couldn't have hit the Take-5 jackpot." [Licata's Lottery Winner Story]
new york lottery
--- Vinny Licata
See Full Lotto Winner Story "It is my pleasure to write to you telling you that I have been fortunate in winning a Power ball Jackpot of $100,000.00 using your 20-number Wheeling System. I have appreciated your help and above all a word of gratitude that words cannot express. I am eternally grateful to a new wonderful friend." [Worth's Lottery Winner Story]
oregon lottery (powerball)
--- Alberta M. Worth
It's true. Wheels do make a difference. Last year I won 2 Fantasy 5 jackpots in the same month (Dec. 2003.) The first one was for $54,568.03 won on 12-02-03. Then, two weeks later I won $36,591.05 won on 12-18-03. I also hit 5 four-number rolldowns this year (2004) totaling $5,288.50. Thank you for your lotto wheeling systems. I would like to have my copies of W-2's returned to me after you are finished the verifying process."
florida lottery
--- James Lawrence
See Full Lotto Winner Story "I am excited to tell you that I recently won my first jackpot on Sept. 2, 1994, a mere 11 drawings after my 18th birthday. The prize paid $25,000 plus $334 in other small prizes. I knew your system would not fail me because my father used it and managed to cash in three prizes of over $1.000." [Casson's Lottery Winner Story]
west virginia lottery
--- Chad Casson
See Full Lotto Winner Story "Gail, you have the greatest lotto program in existence. It's terrific. I was winning every night but no jackpot until January 15, 1999. My share of the (Florida Fantasy 5) pot was $22,000.00. I recommend your books and software to everyone." [Henry's Lottery Winner Story]
florida lottery
--- Thomas W. Henry
See Full Lotto Winner Story "Before I won, I was hitting pretty close. I'd get four, then sometimes I'd get five. I hit three fives in one game using the same system twice. I played two complete systems when I won the $1,000,000.00. jackpot. I also got 14 fours and I got five or six fives that were split between the two systems. I'm still playing the lottery twice a week. I still use your system 610. Thank you so much for the LOTTO HOW TO WHEEL A FORTUNE book." [Cornelius's Lottery Winner Story]
washington lottery
--- Marion Cornelius
See Full Lotto Winner Story "I continue to buy the Washington State Lotto using your lotto system 608 since I won $1,000,000.00 with it. I'm eternally optimistic that we will hit another jackpot." [Horton's Lottery Winner Story]
washington lottery
--- Gilbert Horton
See Full Lotto Winner Story "I am writing to inform you of a recent win by our group, 'The Magnificent Seven' in the New Jersey Cash 5 lottery. Your computer programs are superior to anything on the market and make all other programs totally inadequate. On January 31, 1995, our group held one of the two winning tickets for a NJ Cash 5 prize worth $99,350. What a great feeling it was! All the group members were simply ecstatic and grateful for this top win." [Galanowsky's Lottery Winner Story]
new jersey lottery
--- Gerald Galanowsky
See Full Lotto Winner Story "After reading Gail Howard's book, I have won nineteen prizes to date. In my first week of play, I won seven prizes. In the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th week, I won one prize each draw, and in my sixth week of play, I won one first prize jackpot of $516,234.80 plus eight other prizes." [Harrell's Lottery Winner Story]
canada lottery
--- Max Harrell
"I used Gail Howard's wheeling system #3009[53117] and I hit the jackpot $51,762.50 plus 11 second prizes on August 8, 1995 on the Take-5 game. Thanks, Gail."
new york lottery
--- Santiago Alvarez
"Just wanted to let you know that we hit the Cash 5 Jackpot for $49,759.00 in New Jersey on 9-1-93 with System 3014. I am so glad I bought your book because I wouldn't have won without it."
new jersey lottery
--- Michael Wontor
See Full Lotto Winner Story "On August 4, myself and 15 co-workers from the Miller Brewing Co. won $1.4 million dollars. We used Gail Howard's 20-number wheel system and cashed in on one 1st prize jackpot, four 2nd prizes and seven 3rd prizes." [Diehards's Lottery Winner Story]
new york lottery
--- Francis Zimmerman, Miller Diehards
"Here is the proof to verify my $1,644,538.50 lottery win on July 15, 1989, a copy of the actual ticket and the awards letter from the lottery commission. I split the $3,289,077.00 prize with a young lady from Satellite Beach. I met Carrie at a lottery winners party in Miami. She told me that she had also used a 'Gail Howard wheel' from one of Gail's books! I was very surprised to hear that."
florida lottery
--- L.R.
See Full Lotto Winner Story "The second (2nd) time I used your system I hit the Indiana Lucky 5 Jackpot for $50,000.00 using system #3009[53014], wheeling 17 numbers. I also won six (6) three-number winners, two of which appear on my winning Jackpot ticket. Needless to say, I think you are awesome and the greatest! Gail, I tell everyone that I bought your system and gladly encourage them to do the same if they wish to be a winner when they play the lottery." [Hoover's Lottery Winner Story]
indiana lottery
--- Willie Hoover
"Enclosed is a copy of my winning Take 5 ticket for the drawing of 12/18/92. It paid $62,297.50. I also won two third prizes using your 12 number wheel with a 3 out of 5 assurance. Thanks for all the winning tickets I have cashed in over the past 12 years using your wonderful wheeling systems."
new york lottery
--- Bill Yanky
"I played the lotto for a few years without much success. Then I purchased the book. LOTTO HOW TO WHEEL A FORTUNE. I found I was winning prizes immediately. I was able to buy the tickets with my winnings and not using my own money. Then on 9-26-94, I hit the Fantasy 5 in Florida for $13,324.00 which was very exciting and made me realize how valuable the book really is. Even after my Fantasy 5 win, I was coming in with 3 and 4 out of 5 numbers almost every day."
florida lottery
--- Dennis Ricci
See Full Lotto Winner Story "On May 21st, I won first prize of $606,023.00 plus three second prizes and one fourth prize using one of Gail Howard's systems." [Carter's Lottery Winner Story]
washington, d.c. lottery
--- Leavelle A. Carter
See Full Lotto Winner Story "I knew it was only a matter of time before I would win a Jackpot. I followed your sage advice consistently. On May 13, 1999, I hit the NY Take 5 jackpot for $40,405.00. In addition, I won a third prize and four free plays. You deserve a lot of credit for teaching us how to select the best numbers to play." [Valentino's Lottery Winner Story]
new york lottery
--- Lou Valentino
"On October 30, 1992, using your wheel five system, I was able to win the Fantasy 5 jackpot for $430,179.97. Thank you for sharing your knowledge."
florida lottery
--- Dana Faison
"It is a pleasure to inform you that on October 8, 1994 I won $109,377.00 with the help of your Advantage Gold software, which I bought on March 23, 1994. The numbers were chosen by your Smart Picks®."
canada lottery
--- John Cyrson
See Full Lotto Winner Story "For this $1,429,515.00 jackpot win I used your Skip and Hit® Chart, Drawings Since Hit Chart® and your 18-number wheel. Without your wheels and charts I would not have had any idea of how to mix and select my numbers. Thank you for your help." [Hutchison's Lottery Winner Story]
arizona lottery
--- Curtis Hutchison
See Full Lotto Winner Story "THANK YOU! THANK YOU for the book, Lottery Master Guide. Because of the excellent and outstanding writing and information in this book, on January 9, 2004, I won the Fantasy 5 California Jackpot - $316,446.00, and also had a 4 number pick for $548.00 as well as a 3 number pick for $18.00, for a total of $317,580. I wheeled 25 numbers in 13 games, by applying the information provided on your 'Short Term Lotto Trends.' Thanks for putting out this book that makes playing the lottery make sense." [Lakin's Lottery Winner Story]
california lottery
--- Ray Lakin
See Full Lotto Winner Story "Dear Miss Howard, Your System 608 really works. June 26,1990, I won $40,800 in the Pennsylvania Wild Card Lotto game ." [Macartney's Lottery Winner Story]
pennsylvania lottery
--- Charles Macartney
See Full Lotto Winner Story "On December 17, 1996, we became a CASH-5 jackpot winner in the Colorado lottery. Our total winning was $23,317.00. We used your system 3103[55008] of the book entitled LOTTO WHEEL FIVE TO WIN. Just as your system stated, we won 1 five number prize, 15 four number prizes, 30 three number prizes and we also had 17 two number prizes. I have used your systems for approximately 9 years for the regular game and have won several second prizes (5 out of 6), plus more third prizes than I can count. We never play lotto without using your systems." [Green's Lottery Winner Story]
colorado lottery
--- Mary L. Green
"As a direct result of using your system I am $50,000.00 richer today, as I won the Match 5 jackpot in the Maryland lottery. I used the Advantage Gold Smart Picks® to pick the numbers, then used the Balanced Wheel® System #3014 to wheel the numbers. Works great and I am looking forward to more big money jackpots thanks to your great software. Keep up the good work, Gail, so everyone who has or orders your Advantage Gold and wheel systems will get their fair share of the big money."
maryland lottery
--- Richard T. Whisman
See Full Lotto Winner Story "On March 12, 2004 I hit the Little Lotto jackpot for $124,000! Reading your material made me believe that I would someday win. I never knew it would be so soon! I will be forever grateful for your research and for your motivating words. I live my life now feeling like a winner! I used the interactive Balanced Wheel® #3014 that you give away free on your web site and used your Optimizing tool twice to improve the sum totals. Thank you Gail for being so giving. Please keep my name confidential." [J.B.'s Lottery Winner Story]
illinois lottery
--- J.B.
See Full Lotto Winner Story "Just a few words about your Smart Luck® lottery programs: Super! Magnificent! Excellent! Fantastic! Best! Extraordinary! Incredible! Wonderful! Fabulous! Terrific! Outstanding! Great! Outta Sight! Simply Marvelous! ! ! On May 22nd, I moved to Florida and started playing the Florida Fantasy 5 game. On June 16, 1995 I hit the first prize of $16,286.73 using your Wheel Five Plus (now Wheel Five Gold) system #53215. I've also hit several 3 & 4 number prizes during this three-week period! Will someone pinch me please! Thank you 16,000 times!" [Salustro's Lottery Winner Story]
florida lottery
--- Daniel P. Salustro
See Full Lotto Winner Story "I was using Wheel Five for only about six weeks when on 9-1-92 I was rewarded by winning the Cash-5 Jackpot for $100,000 dollars. I also had 20 prizes of $20 each for a total of $100,400 dollars using your Power Wheel #3810[54016-1]. Thank you, Gail. I never would have won without the help of your Wheel Five and Advantage Gold programs. I will be forever grateful to you. Thank you, again, Gail." [Marcil's Lottery Winner Story]
michigan lottery
--- Donald Marcil
"Using your system I have had a number of smaller tier prizes, and even one five out of six on the Georgia Lotto. On December 8, 1998, I was the only winner of the Fantasy 5 drawing for $142,716.00. My knees just sort of jellied on me and I had to sit down. I thank you for being so generous with your programs and books."
georgia lottery
--- R.J.
See Full Lotto Winner Story "Gail Howard's lottery wheels brought me home winners 2 times. On May 16 1990,1 won $245,350.97 by playing 10 games in Gail's system #3003 in (Florida's) Fantasy 5. In December 1992, I won 5 out of 6 in Lotto. I had one 5 of 6 for $4,300 plus severa1 4 of 6 and 3 of 6, giving me a total of $7,600." [McDevitt's Lottery Winner Story]
florida lottery
--- Patricia McDevitt
"Thanks to your 5-number Lotto System #3014 wheeling 22 numbers for a 3 of 4 win, I won a TAKE-5 Lotto jackpot on 4-17-92. I won $61,661.50. God Bless You. Please don't publish our names. Thank you."
new york lottery
--- P. & Y. S.
"Keep up printing your systems in the Lotto News. They really do help. On Feb. 8, 1994, I hit the Take 5 first prize for $45,687.50. And I had two 3# hits on the same ticket. I won using your system #4109 that was printed in the News. Thank you."
new york lottery
--- Louis Fadale
See Full Lotto Winner Story "I have been using LOTTO WHEEL FIVE TO WIN and I have had countless third and forth place wins and some second place wins, and then the day came on 4/11/97 I had all five numbers in New York's Take 5 and won $35,634.50 plus four tickets with 3#s that paid $27 each for a total of $35,742.50. Thank you for your systems and all the interesting reading." [Bulwidas's Lottery Winner Story]
new york lottery
--- Pete Bulwidas
See Full Lotto Winner Story "I hope that anyone playing the lottery gets a chance to get their hands on some of your books, because as soon as I did I become $21,988.00 richer. I really don't think I could have done it without your LOTTO WHEEL FIVE TO WIN book." [Johnson's Lottery Winner Story]
florida lottery
--- Herman Johnson, Jr. & Aundray King
See Full Lotto Winner Story "On April 18, 2000, I had one of the five Take 5 jackpot winning tickets. My share was $30,292.50. Plus I hit two tickets with 4 numbers and 7 tickets with 3 numbers. By using your Advantage Gold program to pick my numbers and a wheel of yours (#54118-2) we finally hit Take 5. Jennifer and I would like to thank you for starting our year off right." [Bochicchio's Lottery Winner Story]
new york lottery
--- Bob Bochicchio
"On Jan. 4th 1992 I won $175,000.00 on the Canadian 6/49 draw with your System 603. Thank you."
canada lottery
--- Joe Malkki
See Full Lotto Winner Story "Last June I bought your Advantage Gold, Wheel Five Plus (now Wheel Five Gold) and Wheel Six Plus (now Wheel Six Gold) software. It was on our ninth play on July 5, 2002 that we hit the Illinois Little Lotto for $73,338. My bother Eldon and I work together on the lottery numbers. He likes your Skip and Hit® Chart® and I like your automatic Smart Picks®. Everyone told us we were very lucky. We said, 'We weren't lucky, we just had a good system.'" [Ebert's Lottery Winner Story]
illinois lottery
--- Eldon & Bob Ebert
"We decided to invest in your book. This is when our luck changed! After eight tries with System #3009[53014] we chose four of the five numbers correctly in our wheel-and we received $500.00 for four correct numbers on one ticket. After eight more tries, on April 12, 1994, we had all five numbers drawn in our wheel. I saw we had hit several $5.00 winners. Then, I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw the ticket with all five numbers correct on one ticket. A $50,000.00 winner!!!!! We felt you must know of our good fortune right away. Gail, thanks again for your help and encouraging book I will be forever grateful to you."
arizona lottery
--- Tom and Annette W.
"Thanks for your knowledge of the lottery and to give people the insight on how to win. Friends said I was foolish for spending money for lottery books, and then I began to win. From LOTTO HOW TO WHEEL A FORTUNE, I won $6,000, then $1,800, and then $1,200.I also hit 4 out of 5 in amounts of $593, $453, $360, $493 and $440. And then the big win 5 out of 5 for $74,113.00 on August 28, 1994. I couldn't believe it. Fantastic. You are the greatest and I wanted to share here's proof."
california lottery
--- Millie Washington
See Full Lotto Winner Story "I won $26,850 on the April 2, 1997 in Canada's B.C. Lotto 6/49. The numbers were selected from charts in your Smart Luck® Advantage Gold program. There are very few weeks of the year that I do not get some prize money. Many thanks for everything. [Le Marquand's Lottery Winner Story]
canada lottery
--- George Le Marquand
"On May 20, 1996 I won the Illinois Little Lotto using your 22-number Power Wheel system. I invested $40 and won $23,832.50. Since that time, I have hit 33 four-number winners using your system, along with innumerable three-number winners."
illinois lottery
--- Dale Whitson & Carol Hendricks
See Full Lotto Winner Story "I came upon some information about winning the lottery written by Gail Howard. It seemed to be sound, logical, straight forward advice. Immediately I entered a lottery using her advice. I wasn't surprised when I hit the jackpot. I won $310,000.00. I give Gail Howard all the credit for my win. Without her advice I probably would have continued to be a lottery loser. But with her advice, I'm a lottery winner." [Mathis's Lottery Winner Story]
australia lottery
--- Kenneth Mathis
See Full Lotto Winner Story "From what I learned from Gail Howard about the 'secret' of the lottery, I knew I'm going to win a jackpot. After reading her book, I entered the New York State Lottery and won the jackpot. The prize was half million dollars, which I shared with several of my co-workers. My share was $71,428.00." [Hicks's Lottery Winner Story]
new york lottery
--- Elijah Hicks
See Full Lotto Winner Story "We won $425,762.90 in the 6/49 on January 4, 1994. The way we won this money was by using Gail Howard's book [LOTTO HOW TO WHEEL A FORTUNE]. We wheeled 18 numbers. Using this wheeling system, we have also won small amounts like $200 - $300 here and there. We did win a little over $2,000 at one time also. All I can say is thank you, that it was a wonderful time of our lives." [Hair's Lottery Winner Story]
canada lottery
--- Richard & Danielle Hair
See Full Lotto Winner Story "Thanks for the Smart Luck® Computer Wheel. On Nov. 27, 1995 I won the Virginia Cash-5 using your system. My winning ticket paid me $25,000 plus $1.25 for a three-number win on the same ticket. Thanks so much for your information and help." [Roper's Lottery Winner Story]
virginia lottery
--- Douglas R. Roper, Sr.
"A Tampa gentleman and loyal LPG reader, who will by necessity remain namelss, hit Fantasy 5 May 22, 1990 for $241,512.33. His blessing brought on an usual problem: He can't tell his wife because his family is dead set against gambling. The jackpot winner used an eight-number wheeling system by Gail Howard for his good fortune." Lottery Players Guide
florida lottery
--- D.E.
"I used your Smart Luck® Wheel Five system #3003 and won the Florida Fantasy 5 on March 9, 1994 with a first prize of $24,776.57. I played this system off and on for the remainder of 1994 and I've hit small prizes, 3 of 5 and some 4 of 5 on the average of once a week. I think your systems are excellent. Keep up the great work."
florida lottery
--- John E. Edmunds
See Full Lotto Winner Story "On May 23, 2003 using Balanced Wheel® 53114 in LOTTO WHEEL FIVE TO WIN and your different charts, my partner Cecillia Jaramillo and I won the New Mexico Road Runner $21,000 first prize money. Eight weeks ago, I used Balanced Wheel® 53119 and won eight 4-number second prizes and two 3-number prizes. Last night I used your 17-number 3 out of 4 wheel and won one 4-number (second) prize and four 3-number prizes. We feel certain that our time in the spotlight will occur, and with the use of Gail Howard's products, the possible is certain." [Gonzalez's Lottery Winner Story]
new mexico lottery
--- Juanito Gonzalez & Cecilla Jaramillo
See Full Lotto Winner Story "I thought I would drop you a line to let you know that after using your book, LOTTO HOW TO WHEEL A FORTUNE for three months, using System #3005[53113] on the Illinois Little Lotto my wife and I hit the 1st Prize on Sept. 9,1992. Our total prize winnings were $234,941.50. Along with the 1st prize we also hit 4 numbers and 3 numbers twice." [Shepardson's Lottery Winner Story]
illinois lottery
--- Richard Shepardson
"Thank you for helping me capture a first prize jackpot in Little Lotto [on July 18, 2002] and numerous other prizes in the lottery. Enclosed is a check stub from the Illinois State Lottery showing how much I won. My share was $15,832.00. I will forever be grateful! Your systems have made me a winner on countless occasions. Keep up the A1 service that you and your staff provide it is impeccable. Thanks again."
illinois lottery
--- Nathaniel Green
"Hoosier Lottery informed me when I picked up my check in Indianapolis that I was the sole winner of $50,000 on the 12th of November 2002. I used a wheel in your pick-5 book [Lotto Wheel Five to Win]. As you can see, Gail, your wheels produce multiple hits on top of or simultaneously with the big one of $50,000. [Won two 4 of 5 for $200 each and eight 3 of 5 for $24 each.]"
indiana lottery
--- Oscar Ntuba
See Full Lotto Winner Story "I am pleased to let you know that I jackpotted on our Californian Fantasy 5. To choose my numbers, I used Charts B, 6 and 7 in your Advantage Gold. Together with the 10-number wheel 54110, I was able to land the five numbers for a jackpot valued at $27,297.00. I can't say enough about your programs except that they are right on time. Especially the Smart Picks® which make it so easy to make number selections. I play all the time. Most of the time I win. But without your program, I would not play." [Carver's Lottery Winner Story]
california lottery
--- Bettie & Robert Carver
"Thanks to you and your Smart Luck® systems, I won the Florida Fantasy 5 Lotto on Dec. 4, 2002 for $35,060.02. Your systems on pages 32-52 of LOTTERY MASTER GUIDE and wheels on pages 109-111 helped me pick the winning numbers. Thanks for designing the Smart Luck® lottery systems."
florida lottery
--- L.M.L.
See Full Lotto Winner Story "My pool hit the Illinois Little Lotto on 6-9-94. After splitting the grand prize with one other person, we ended up with $103,475.00 before taxes, plus $174.00 cash from 22 three-number prizes. I pick my numbers from several different charts in your Advantage Gold program and I used Wheel 54019-2 from your computer program, Smart Luck® Wheel Five Plus (now Wheel Five Gold). When we won, I had five people in the pool beside myself. You made five people very happy." [Kern's Lottery Winner Story]
illinois lottery
--- Mark Kern
Turn a game of luck into a game of skill!™