New York Lotto Winner

Winner Won't Push Her Luck
Syracuse (UPI)— A rural housewife who used a tip sheet to become the sole winner of the $13.3 million New York Lotto jackpot said yesterday she would stop playing the game and give others a chance to become rich.
Sharon Jaynes, 45, of Reading Center, a tiny Finger Lakes hamlet near Watkins Glen, said at a news conference that she believes the lottery jackpots should be divided among more winners.
"I figured it should be split for more people, a few millionaires rather than one," said Jaynes, the first Lotto millionaire in rural Schuyler County. "I'm not going to play anymore. It's not fair. I'm not greedy."
Jaynes, mother of four and grandmother of two, used a booklet she bought, State Lotteries: How to Get In It and How to Win It by Gail Howard to pick her winning combination, 8-10-20-41-42-48.
She said the booklet recommends keeping track of lottery numbers that have come up as winners at least twice in the past 10 to 15 weeks.
Part of the winnings will go to buy a new car, but she has no other firm plans, she said. Her husband, a maintenance superintendent at the International Salt Co., may retire early. Other life-style changes are unlikely, she said.
Jaynes will receive $507,936 a year for the next 20 years after the Internal Revenue Service takes its 20 percent share for taxes. She is the largest winner ever in central New York, lottery officials said.
Winning Products
The lottery products Sharon Jaynes used to win the New York Lotto jackpot: Special ReportState Lotteries: How to Get In It and How to Win It - No longer in print. Lottery Master Guide is the current strategy book.