3 Methods to Win at Lotto
Do you buy lottery tickets and dream sweet dreams about winning millions$ of dollars? Maybe that dream can come true for you as it has for over a hundred others who have won lottery jackpots with our scientific systems.
The most common lottery numbers people play are birth dates, ages, "lucky" numbers, and Quick Picks. If you're one of these lottery players who have been endlessly waiting for dumb luck to strike - stop! There is a better way, and you're now in luck because the answer is right here!
It's time to try lottery systems that can improve your "luck", so you can win cash prizes in your favorite lottery games. That's what Smart Luck® lottery systems, created by lotto expert, Gail Howard, are all about. Read on to find out how 3 easy steps can help you win a lottery!

Smart Luck® lotto strategies can help you beat the lotteries' long shot odds. You can apply skill to the lotto game because you can choose the lottery numbers you play and make them winning lottery numbers. As in card games that combine chance and skill, the skillful lotto player enjoys an advantage over the unskilled player - and wins lotto prizes far more frequently.
About Lotto Games
Lotto is traditionally a game in which the player chooses six lottery numbers from a larger group of lotto numbers. In state lotteries, the group of lottery numbers can be as few as 25 (West Virginia's Cash 25) or as many as 59 (New York Lotto). The fewer lottery numbers you have to choose from, the easier it is to win lotto prizes. Pick-5 lotto games (excluding Powerball type games) have much lower odds than pick-6 lottery games with the same number fields.
In lotto, where a dollar bet can win millions in cash, the odds against winning lotto have to be astronomical. But if you choose the best game to play and follow our other lotto strategy methods to reduce the odds, you can make it easier to win!
Choose the Best Game to Play
In addition to the multi-state Powerball and Mega Millions games, most states have at least two of their own lotto games. They usually offer a Lotto game with big jackpots and almost unbeatable odds, and one with a smaller lotto number field (and smaller jackpots) for players who like to win prizes more often.
In response to overwhelming player demand for a lotto game that's easier to win, most states complied by offering the pick-5 game (sometimes called Fantasy 5, Pick 5, Cash 5, etc.) in which just five numbers (not six) are marked on a game panel. These pick-5 games are usually the best games to start with.
Of course, Powerball, MEGA Millions, and EuroMillions games have the highest odds against winning thanks to the additional bonus number from a separate number field. (See wheeling with Powerball and choosing the Power Ball number for more info.)
See our list of odds of winning by number format to find the best game to play.
2. Lotto Number Selection
Lottery number selection involves choosing the lottery numbers which have the best chance of being drawn as winners. Yes, winning lottery numbers are randomly drawn. But randomly drawn numbers form patterns that are to a certain extent predictable, and learning to use these patterns is the secret to winning the lottery!
About Handicapping
Many people would not bet a bundle on a horse without first studying its past performance. Handicapping means studying the past in an effort to project the future. Wall Street analysts do the same thing. They chart stocks, bonds, and commodities, studying past price action to determine future price trends, in order to reduce the odds against the investor.
In lotto number handicapping, we analyze the past action of the common winning lottery numbers to help us determine which numbers have the greatest probability of being drawn.
Number Selection Strategy
Having carefully analyzed all of the lottery drawing results of more than 200 different lotto games worldwide, with histories going back as far as 1955, (using ADVANTAGE GOLD™ lottery software), we have verified the following incredibly simple rule:
That which is MOST POSSIBLE happens MOST OFTEN.
That which is LEAST POSSIBLE happens LEAST OFTEN.
Playing the Probabilities
So, the basis of our lottery strategy is to play the probabilities—or, to play that which is most likely to happen. If something rarely or never happens in lottery drawings, or if something has never happened before in the history of lotto drawings, shouldn't common sense tell you not to expect it to happen for the very first time just because you bet on it?
For example, six consecutive numbers (such as 1-2-3-4-5-6) have never been drawn in any state or international lotto game. It is highly unlikely that, if it has never happened before, it will happen this week just because you put your money on it! Our common sense lottery formula tells you not to play six consecutive numbers on one game panel.
Many people play a lotto number because they think it's "due." It is a mistaken notion that in Lotto, everything has to even out. That simply is not true. In New York, Lotto number 45 sat out 100 drawings without a single win. There have been several Lotto games in which a lotto number has gone more than 70 games without a hit.
In the twice weekly New York 6/59 Lotto game, each six-number combination has a chance of hitting once every 433,245 years!! So, it would be pointless to play the same six numbers week after week, year after year, because you think they are "due" to hit. Would you bet your money on a racehorse that had lost the past 50 races, thinking he's "due" to win? Of course not!
Get Help Picking the Best Numbers to Play!

Strategy Software
Advantage Gold software automates the process of choosing the best numbers to play, so it's easier than ever.
ADD TO CARTStrategy Resources
For more detailed information about number selection strategy and available options:Using a Balanced Wheel
Balanced Wheels® give your money more leverage and dramatically improve your chances of winning lotto prizes. They are the most important tools a lottery player can use to get immediate odds improvement. These lottery systems allow you to choose a large group of lotto numbers which are placed in a scientifically determined lotto pattern on your bet slips to give you a specific win guarantee.
If you trap the six (five or four winning lottery numbers) in the large group of lotto numbers you have chosen, you are guaranteed to win at least one specific prize (which varies depending on the win guarantee of the chosen wheel). But you could win several lottery prizes, or even the first prize jackpot—as dozens of our big lottery winners already have. Winning several lotto prizes all at once make these lotto systems exciting, fun and profitable to use.
Get the Most Popular Wheeling Software

To get the best chance of winning the easiest games, use these pick-5 wheels in Wheel Five Gold lottery software.
Or, if you prefer bigger jackpot games, choose the pick-6 and pick-7 wheels in Wheel Six Gold to help you improve your odds of winning more prizes!
ADD TO CARTWheeling Resources
For more detailed information about wheeling and available options:What to Buy
For best results, use Advantage Gold together with a wheeling program that works for the pick-size of your game like Wheel Five Gold for the easiest to win pick-5 games.
If you're still confused about which products can help you tackle strategy and wheeling for the game you play, see our Lottery Products Guide.

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