Gail Howard's Interview on the Today Show

When the producer of NBC's Today Show called me for an interview, I agreed to do it on the condition that one of my jackpot winners could appear with me on the show. When they agreed, I chose Mitchell Drummond of Moreno Valley, California—although he was not one of my larger winners. Mitch had won a cash prize of $454,434.00 in the California Lotto. In his first letter to me, telling me about his lottery win, Mitch wrote: "It has been one of my dreams, Gail, to meet you in person."
Since I am in the business of helping make peoples' dreams come true, I called Mitch and asked if he would like to fly to New York the following day. Mitch was delighted with the invitation to be on The Today Show with me and immediately accepted. He was flown first class from California to New York, where a limo was waiting to take him to the elegant Essex House Hotel in Manhattan. The Today Show gave Mitch full celebrity treatment and paid all his expenses.
A limousine picked me up at my home in White Plains, New York, at 6:15 a.m. I met Mitch for the very first time just as I went in for make-up at the studio. (Yes, Mitch was given a pat of powder on his nose, too.) It was like seeing an old friend. We had talked on the telephone so much, I felt as though I had known Mitch for years.
Before we went on the show, I met our New York acting lottery director, Russell Gladieux—whom I liked instantly. Of course, a lottery director's position has to be that every Lotto ticket has the same chance of winning and that there is no possible way to beat the odds. During the show, Gladieux stated his case, and I stated mine.
John Palmer, the newscaster, hosted the segment, filling in for Jane Pauley. Palmer was extremely fair and totally unbiased. I was very pleased with his questions and comments. Palmer introduced Mitch Drummond by saying, "He followed Gail Howard's methods and won half a million dollars."
On the show, Mitch said, "One day, I was out in the studio audience just like everyone else, and I saw Gail on television and she had several of her jackpot winners sitting with her. She advertised her book. I sent for it. I won half a million. It worked for me and, it can work for others."
Winning Products
The lottery products Mitchell Drummond used to win the California Lotto jackpot: Special Report and Wheel #607State Lotteries: How to Get In It and How to Win It - No longer in print. Lottery Master Guide is the current strategy book.
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