Lottery Winners' Stories in the News

Articles About Smart Luck's Lotto Winners
Gail Howard spent more than thirty years perfecting the Smart Luck lottery systems and strategies that have helped many people like you win the lottery. Our lottery winners share their stories of how they won lotto jackpots right here. Read this collection of lottery winning stories that have appeared in newspapers and lottery magazines about Smart Luck lotto winners. Each of the lotto win photos are scans of original newspaper and magazine articles and other official evidence of real jackpot wins.
The lottery winners reveal which Smart Luck lottery systems they used to win first-prize lotto jackpots, how they felt the moment they won, and what they did with the lotto winnings. You can find out which lottery book or lottery software is their favorite to win the lottery. Perhaps these lottery jackpot winners' stories will inspire you until you have your own story and can tell us about your first (or second or third!) lotto jackpot win with Smart Luck lotto strategies and systems.
Don't forget to let us know when you win big, so you can become a part of Gail Howard's Jackpot Winners Club and get free access to all of our new lottery winning products.
Start the Lottery Winners' Stories Slideshow