Canada Lottery Winner

"What Joy and Excitement!"
Marie Cloarac became a celebrity in Camrose, Canada when she won $1,096,682 in a cash lump sum in the Canadian Lotto 6/49 on November 8, 1989. On Nov. 15, 1989, her jackpot win was the feature front-page story in her local newspaper, The Camrose Canadian. A bold one-inch banner headline spanning the entire width of the paper, declared "CITY WOMAN WINS $1.1 M WITH SYSTEM."
The caption under a photograph of her holding my book, reads "Marie Cloarec's hobby of systematically picking lottery tickets has paid off in a big way. She split the Nov. 8 Lotto 6-49 prize with one other person, plus she won several five number and four number prizes on the draw. She credits it all to the book, Lotto How to Wheel a Fortune, where the author Gail Howard outlines a system of mathematical probabilities."
I found out about this jackpot winner from one of my lottery software customers in Camrose. He then told Marie Cloarec where she could get in touch with me. She wrote me a very lovely letter about how she had become a millionaire with my books.
First she sent for my Special Report, State Lotteries How to Get In It and How to Win It, and learned how to use my Skip and Hit® Charts and Companion Number® Charts to select her numbers. Then she immediately sent for my Lotto How to Wheel a Fortune book.
In addition to the jackpot, Marie won two five-number prizes worth $1,890.20 each, and three four-number prizes worth $70.50 each, totaling an extra $3,991.90. She won with System 503, wheeling 10 numbers in seven games for a 4 out of 5 win. She played that system nine times, for a total ticket cost of $63.00. It was the ninth wheel that won the jackpot.
Marie Cloarec wrote "Dear Gail, Last November 8th (1989), I hit the jackpot to the tune of 1.096 million dollars (one 6-number prize, two 5-number prizes and three 4-number prizes), using your 4 out of 5 system 503 - wheeling 10 Lotto numbers in seven games in Lotto 6/49. What joy and excitement!
"I started playing the lotteries in March of 1988. Until that time, I didn't even know they existed. (My husband talked me into playing.) So, as I was reading one of the tabloids I came across an ad about your book. I ordered it and after receiving it I set up my Skip and Hit Chart® and that was the beginning. I could never have done it without your book! Thanks a million!
"I had many calls about what system. And one more thing - yes, I did tell the lottery officials and the press that I used the Gail Howard system, and everyone else who asks me.
"Sorry I didn't let you know sooner but I have been busy enjoying my wind fall, and am now working on my second one. I don't mean to sound greedy, but it's so much fun and exciting because with your system its very seldom that I don't collect some prizes. I have won many times prior to the Big One. And I continue to win. So, I remain ever grateful, Thankfully yours, Marie Cloarec."
Marie told me she played the 6/36 game to win seed money to buy tickets in the 6/49 game. "It's very seldom that I don't win anything," she said. "If I'm sure a number is coming in, I use a Power Number® System.
"I knew I was going to win. I wasn't that excited because I expected to win," she said. People recognized my picture and stopped me in the street and shook my hand. "Everybody was so excited and happy for me. It was just wonderful.
When asked if she thinks she will win another jackpot, Marie replied, "Oh yeah. Absolutely. I know I will. The system gives you a lot of confidence that you'll get some back."
What did she do with the money? She remodeled the kitchen and living room. And Marie had always wanted a convertible, so she bought herself a Le Baron convertible. She has three children, ages 17, 19 and 21. They all had "old clunks for first cars," so Marie bought each one a new Toyota. And the Cloarec family spent Christmas in Hawaii.
Winning Products
The lottery products Marie Cloarec used to win the Canada National Lottery jackpot: Special Report and Wheel #503State Lotteries: How to Get In It and How to Win It - No longer in print. Lottery Master Guide is the current strategy book.
10 number Balanced Wheeling® Lotto System #503 found as wheel #64110 in:

Balanced Lotto Wheel® Software for Pick-6 and Pick-7 Games

Balanced Wheel® System Book for Pick-6 and Pick-7 Games
More Info Buy Lotto How to Wheel a Fortune on Amazon