NY Take 5 Lottery Winner

"I Think We Hit Something Pretty Big!"
"Dear Gail, I'm a reader of your column in New York Lottery News and have both of your books, Lotto How To Wheel A Fortune and Lotto Wheel Five To Win.
"The wheels in your books are easy to use. I have been using system 3909 from Lotto Wheel Five To Win. I have won countless third and forth place wins and some second place wins, and then the day came on 4/11/97, I had all five numbers in NY Take 5 and won $35,634.50 plus 4 games with 3#s that paid $27 each for a total of $35,742.50.
"With some of my winnings I have purchased a computer and now ordering your software. Thank you for your systems and all the interesting reading in Lottery News.
I would like to order Advantage Gold, COMPUTER WHEEL & WHEEL FIVE on 3.5" disks. I'm enclosing $135.95. Sincerely, Pete Bulwidas."
I immediately called Pete with my congratulations and sent him complimentary copies of my latest software, Wheel Six Gold, Wheel Five Gold, and Advantage Gold.
Pete told me that the day after the drawing, he had followed his usual routine, got the local paper, sat down at the dining room table and checked his numbers.
He said to himself, "Oh, Wow! I have all 5 numbers!"
Pete walked down the hall where his wife, Karen, could hear and said "I think we hit something pretty big. I had all 5 last night. We could have $30,000 to $50,000, depending on how many people won."
He called the hotline to verify the winning numbers from another source. "Yep, all 5 of them are there. But there are seven winners, so it will be split 7 ways."
"See," he said, "all this time I spent on the numbers has finally paid off."
"I didn't really complain," Karen replied. She gave her lucky husband a hug and then called all her relatives to tell them the good news.
"I took them all out to dinner," Pete said, "They were all very happy. My sister-in-law walked in with a bunch of balloons that had 'Congratulations' printed on them. The waitress asked what the 'congratulations' was for. When I told her we had won the lottery, she was telling everyone in the restaurant."
Pete, 56, and Karen live in Connecticut with their 13 cats, but work in Westchester. "We both work, so there was nothing we really needed. I bought myself a computer. This Saturday is Karen's 50th birthday, and June 24th is our 25th anniversary, so I want to get her something really special. Maybe take her on a cruise."
Pete's advice to all you lottery players out there "Don't give up. Keep playing it."
Winning Products
The lottery products Pete Bulwidas used to win the New York Take 5 lottery jackpot: Lottery News and Wheel #390917 number Balanced Wheeling® Lotto System #3909 found as wheel #53117 in:

Balanced Lotto Wheel® Software for Pick-5 Games

Balanced Wheel® System Book for Pick-5 Games
Free Lottery Tips
Learn how to win this lotto game for free:- ORDER (M-F 8am-5pm EST): 1-727-441-8906
- TECH SUPPORT (M-F 1pm-5pm EST): 1-727-441-8714