California Fantasy Five Lotto Winner

$14 Wheel Won Jackpot Plus Two $427 Prizes and Three $19 Prizes
Bettie and Robert Carter of Los Angeles, California won a $27,297.00 jackpot in the California Fantasy 5 on April 12, 1997, using my Advantage Gold lotto software to pick the winning lottery numbers, and my Wheel Five Gold software to wheel them.
Their $14 bet netted the Carters the 5-number jackpot plus two 4-number prizes worth $427 each, and six 3-number prizes worth $19 each. He said he has won twelve 4-number prizes since then.
Robert has the very qualities that most of my other jackpot winners have shown an optimistic and positive attitude, and an ability to use my systems and strategies successfully.
He wrote: "Dear Ms Gail Howard, I am pleased to let you know that I jack potted on our Fantasy Five State Lottery. I split the pot with another winner.
"It all started on Saturday. My wife and I had planned our day to go to dinner at the Red Lobster and movie afterward.
"So we did, but before that, I had run the computer using the new and wonderful Advantage Gold program you so graciously sold me. To choose my numbers, I used the Chart B, Games Out View of History Chart, and Chart 6, the Skip and Hit® Chart, and Chart 7, the Hit Chart, and the Lottery Advantage® Scoreboard.
"Together with the ten-number wheel 54110, I was able to land the five numbers for a jackpot valued at $27,297.00.
"I am so pleased with your programs that I had told some of my co-workers about it, and tried to get some of them to order from you, especially the ones with computers.
"I can't say enough about your programs except that they are right on time. Especially the Smart Picks® which make it so easy to make number selections. I play all the time. Most of the time I win. But without your program, I would not play.
"I am enclosing in my letter a copy of my winning ticket, and prize form. Please keep up the good work. Thank you very much, Robert and Bettie Carter."
If you don't have a computer, all the charts Robert and Bettie Carter used to pick their numbers are fully explained in my latest hot-off-the-press book, Lottery Master Guide.
The Carters chose 10 numbers and used Balanced Wheel® #54110 from my Wheel Five Gold software. This lottery system wheels 10 numbers in 14 combinations and has a 4 out of 5 win guarantee, which means, if you get all five winning numbers, you are guaranteed to win at least one four-number prize. Of course, as with all my systems, it is possible to win much more than the guaranteed minimum prize, as Robert and Bettie proved.
Winning Products
The lottery products Bettie and Robert Carter used to win the California Fantasy 5 jackpot: Advantage Gold and Wheel #54110
Number Selection Lotto Software
10 number Balanced Wheeling® Lotto System #54110 found in:

Balanced Lotto Wheel® Software for Pick-5 Games

Balanced Wheel® System Book for Pick-5 Games