California Lotto Winner

Gail's 9th Jackpot Winner Wins $9 Million
At the time, I thought that nine documented jackpot winners to my credit must be some historic world lottery record! Little did I know then, that dozens more first prize jackpot winners would be crediting my systems for their wins.
Not every jackpot winner who uses my strategies and systems to win the big prize makes the effort to tell me about it personally--which is difficult for me to comprehend. Perhaps jackpot winners would be more willing to share their happy news with me if they were aware that it is against my policy to accept any part of their wins. I never have and I never will accept money or gifts from my jackpot winners. And I don't publicize their names if they tell me to keep their names private.
Some winners I have learned about in strange ways. For instance, when Sharon Jaynes of Reading Center, New York won $13,333,333, I read in a UPI article that appeared in Long Island Newsday that she had won by using my book.
The New York Lottery Director, John Quinn, told me that Mrs. Jaynes arrived at her press conference, waving my Special Report booklet.
I learned about Leavelle Carter's $606,023 jackpot win when the Washington D. C. Lottery office called to invite me to his press conference.
I stumbled upon my ninth jackpot winner quite by accident. Toward the end of a long conversation with Margo Cooper, publisher of California Lotto!, I was told that my name had been mentioned in that paper in a story about a $9.48 million winner who used my systems to win.
Margo sent me copies of her publication which contained the story about my latest jackpot winner. According to California Lotto!, "Jim Shively of Shingle Springs, California, said he used the information he found in Gail Howard's Special Report: State Lotteries: How to Get In It and How To Win It. Shively does not intend to let the $9.48 million win change his lifestyle very much,'I don't need to quit my job, I like what I do. I'm very happy with my life and don't need to change just because I have won the Lotto. The benefits are that my family will be set and their families also. We figure we could start a dynasty now! We were saving for a trip to Scotland and Ireland. Now we don't need to save; we can go any time we want to. That's the benefit. We can do the things we've always wanted to do without having to save for them. Taking this trip is what we've always wanted to do.'"
"Mr. Shively, age 54, is a salesman for Atlas Carpet Mills. He is married to a free lance writer and they have four children, ranging in age from 17 to 30.
I want to thank Margo Cooper, publisher of California Lotto! for giving me the exciting news about my $9.48 million jackpot winner. She has a fine 16-page publication full of news, systems, statistical data and other information of interest to the California lottery player.
After I contacted the winner to congratulate him personally, Jim Shively wrote, "Dear Gail, This will confirm our recent phone conversation that I did use your systems to win the California State Lotto 6/49. My win was August 15, 1987 and was for the top prize 6 out of 6. I was the only winner in that category that week. The win was for $9.4 million dollars to be paid in 20 equal payments. I hope this gives you the information that you need. Sincerely, Jim Shively"
Winning Products
The lottery products Jim Shively used to win the California Lotto jackpot: Special Report and Wheel #603State Lotteries: How to Get In It and How to Win It - No longer in print. Lottery Master Guide is the current strategy book.
12 number 4/6 guarantee Balanced Wheeling® Lotto System #603 found as wheel #64212 in:

Balanced Lotto Wheel® Software for Pick-6 and Pick-7 Games

Balanced Wheel® System Book for Pick-6 and Pick-7 Games
More Info Buy Lotto How to Wheel a Fortune on Amazon