Gail Howard, Lottery Expert, Former Stockbroker

Stockbroker gives up Big Board for a chance with 'Lottery Advantage'
After surviving nearly eight years of stress as a stockbroker and commodities trader, Gail Howard of White Plains decided she wanted more out of life than ulcers.
Combining her mathematical background with her fascination for games of chance, Ms. Howard became convinced that there was money to be made not only by playing the lottery, but by teaching others how to play it.
"I play them all the time . . . and win consistently," said Ms. Howard, who is about to begin publishing a magazine, "Lottery Advantage," on how to beat the odds.
She was scheduled to share her experiences this morning on ABC-TV's "Good Morning America," during the show's week-long look at the nation's preoccupation with game shows, giveaway contests and sweepstakes.
"I feel people can beat the games," she said.
Ms. Howard, who bases most of her systems on the laws of probability, said during an interview Wednesday that her ultimate dream was to win the $1 million jackpot in New York's Pick-Six Lotto, where players select six numbers ranging from one to 44.
"I've hit five (numbers), but haven't won a first-prize yet," said Ms. Howard. She refused to reveal her cumulative winnings, but said her largest single award to date was $1,200.
Focusing on her favorite obsession -- the pick-six contest -- Ms. Howard said she kept three charts for each of the 44 numbers, taking note of such details as how many times each number appeared, whether a number was likely to be picked several times in a row, and the likelihood of certain numbers appearing in combination.
"My charts show how many times each number hits with another number," she explained. "Some, like 17 and 23, like to hit together. Some numbers like to skip a game between hits. Others like to skip seven games . . . There are classic formations.
"You can almost count on what's going to happen, like clockwork," she said.