Lottery Winning Stories

Gail Howard Chartist of the Year Winner!
CHICAGO, Nov 2 — Gail Howard, better known for helping others hit lottery jackpot millions, has received 11th place in recognition of her ability to forecast commodity futures prices.
THE AWARD was presented by Commodity Perspective the number one futures charting service in the world. Commodity Perspective is a Knight-Ridder Business Information Service, located at 30 So. Wacker Dr., Chicago. The company has its own prestigious Commodity Research Bureau.
EACH YEAR (for the past 7 years) Commodity Perspectives has held a charting contest in which the entrant predicts the closing price of 7 different commodities. This year the commodities were: S&P500 Index, Eurodollar, Treasury Bonds, Crude Oil, Comex-Gold, Corn and Live Cattle. The winners of this contest are those who most accurately predict the closing price of each of these commodities 2 weeks into the future.
THIS IS the fifth time in 7 years that Howard has won this honor. There are 52,660 commodity brokers in the U. S. who would like to be named as one of the top chartists in the United States. Incidentally, only two other winners were from New York City.
HOWARD'S background of charting and technical analysis in commodities has brought to the lottery field a high degree of professionalism.
HOWARD publishes 2 monthly papers on lottery: New York lottery Advantage ($3.00 at lottery agent stores) & Canadian Lottery Advantage.