New Jersey Cash 5 Lotto Winners

High School Teachers Pool and Win Jackpot
On January 31, 1995, Gerald Galanowsky and his Lotto pooling group, "The Magnificent Seven," became my first jackpot winners in 1995 when they won a $99,350.00 jackpot in the New Jersey Cash 5 Lotto. In his letter, Gerald tells how they chose their winning numbers and wheeled them, using my lottery software.
Galanowsky wrote, "Dear Ms Howard: I am writing to inform you of a recent win by our group in the NJ Cash 5 Lottery. We call ourselves 'The Magnificent Seven' and all seven members of the group are teachers at Passaic High School in Passaic, New Jersey. We formed our group and started playing the NJ Cash 5 on 9-15-93.
"Prior to forming our group, members had tried many diverse methods for pickling numbers: however, all proved to be futile. One of our members, an avid hunter, had even used his shot gun to fire into lottery bet slips and recorded which numbers were hit with pellets. Needless to say, this method proved to be a dismal failure!
"While purchasing a newspaper at a local store, I noticed a copy of NJ Lottery News. Finally - I had the help needed to scientifically search for a lottery winner. I noticed an ad for computer programs by Gail Howard, and I promptly sent for your Advantage and Wheeling programs. These computer programs are superior to anything on the market, and make all other programs totally inadequate. I love your 'Win Guarantee' wheels, because it is nice to know what you can win when the selected numbers match those in your wheel.
"Our winning wheel consisted of 22 numbers, which were arranged into 98 bets of five numbers each. I maintain approximately 20 wheels in my file, and I can constantly scan the entire NJ Cash-5 lottery history to see how any particular wheel has performed. The 22 numbers for our winning wheel were selected by using your Smart Picks® (8 numbers), Lottery News Pattern Tables (8 numbers) and member selections (6 numbers) [from Advantage Gold]. After reading your Wheel Six Gold and Wheel Five Gold User's Guide, I had determined that the best wheel is approximately one half of all the lottery numbers plus three or four. This is why I selected a 22 number wheel for the group.
"On January 31, 1995, our ship finally came in, and our group held one of the two winning tickets for a NJ Cash-5 prize worth $99,350. What a great feeling it was. All the group members were simply ecstatic, and grateful for this top win.
"Winning is never easy; however you must have the right tools to achieve that goal. Lottery News and your computer programs will definitely increase your chances for cashing winning tickets.
"During the course of our lotto play, fellow employees would often ridicule our efforts by stating that every number has an equal probability of being a winner and that no system could be effective. They all failed to realize that there are trends, and that sophisticated computer programs will help you to spot those patterns. Following our recent big win, several of those employees have abandoned their quick pick selections and wish to join our group of scientific winners.
"Our faith in your computer programs remains intact, and we shall now set a new goal for ourselves of conquering the NY Take-5 Lottery. I am certain that we shall succeed.
"Enclosed is a copy of our winning ticket. With best wishes for your continued health and happiness. Sincerely, Gerald Galanowsky"
Winning Products
The lottery products Gerald Galanowsky used to win the NJ Cash Five jackpot: Advantage Gold and Wheel #53122
Number Selection Lotto Software
22 number 3/4 guarantee Balanced Wheeling® Lotto System #3014 found as wheel #53122-J (or similar wheel #53122) in:

Balanced Lotto Wheel® Software for Pick-5 Games

Balanced Wheel® System Book for Pick-5 Games