FL Fantasy 5 Lotto Winner

A Determined Spirit and Willingness to Work Hard Wins Jackpot
Two good neighbors in Moultrie, Georgia, Herman Johnson, Jr. and Aundray King, pooled their money and hit the Florida Fantasy 5 jackpot for $21,988.42. They also won one second prize and three third prizes. They used Balanced Wheel® #3608 from my lottery wheeling book, Lotto Wheel Five To Win.
Along with a four-page letter, signed by both winners, they sent as proof of their win, a copy of the IRS gambling winnings W-2G form issued by the Florida State Lottery. Here are some excerpts from their letter:
"Dear Miss Gail Howard, I, Aundray, is writing you this letter to tell you how I and Herman are so glad to know that we are a jackpot winner.
"Miss Howard, we are so glad to have your books, and hope that other people find out about your books. Herman and I are very good friends, and he lives right across the street from me.
"We saw a description of you and your book, Lotto How to Wheel a Fortune, in another book. That was the book that I Aundray found your name in so I told Herman we need to order her book and see what you have to offer, and believe you me, you sure have a lot to offer.
"Herman ask me back when I use to catch the Cash 3 a lot, could he start gambling with me, and I told him sure, and we been gambling together ever since. Herman had told me that he had never won anything in his life. And me, myself have never won a jackpot until we ordered your book, Lotto Wheel Five to Win. I also have your Lotto How to Wheel a Fortune book.
And I tell you this book is beautiful to have, and with your Lotto Wheel Five to Win, we won the jackpot the first time we used it in Florida. We use the system where 17 numbers have a 3 of 5 to win the jackpot. And we took us a trip to Jacksonville, Florida to the beach with the family.
"You know, a lot of people say Friday 13th is a bad luck day, but that's not true because if it is, and I could use this book on the 13th and win, then let it be so, for Herman and I using that book, we won 3 tickets with 3 numbers on them, one ticket with 4 numbers on it, and last but not least, we had all five on the last ticket which we were glad to see.
"Miss Howard, I sure will be glad when your new book comes out because Herman and I sure need something to give us some numbers. I know this book will be great, it's something I've been waiting to hear about for a long time, an need it for a long time. I can't wait to get my hands on it.
"Herman and I want a computer and hope you could help in a way we could get. All we need to know is how to go about doing it. But I still want your new book, the number guide to tell me what numbers to pick.
"We thank you very much. Herman Johnson, Jr. Aundray King."
I was very impressed with this letter. Aundray and Herman are two determined lottery players, and they know how to go after what they want. And I, of course, will help them in any way I can, including giving them my book, Lottery Master Guide, and my lotto software.
I have seen this determined spirit and willingness to work hard toward the desired goal in the many jackpot winners. Maybe this is the secret spark that ignites good luck.
Winning Products
The lottery products Herman Johnson, Jr. and Aundray King used to win the FL Fantasy Five jackpot: Wheel #3608
Number Selection Lotto Software
17 number Balanced Wheeling® Lotto System #3608 found as wheel #53217-J (or similar wheel #53217) in:

Balanced Lotto Wheel® Software for Pick-5 Games

Balanced Wheel® System Book for Pick-5 Games