Canada Lottario Winner

"Wake Up Max . . . You Just Won Half a Million Dollars!"
Max Harrell of Speedway, Indiana, studied the charts and methods in my Special Report, State Lotteries: How to Get In It and How to Win It, and decided to give it a try in the Canadian Lottario 6/39. On his first attempt, he won seven prizes. The next four weeks he won a prize each drawing. The sixth week he won nothing. The seventh week he won a $516,234 CASH jackpot—plus eight other prizes! !
On Sunday morning, just hours after the August 2, 1986 drawing, the president of the mail-order company that bought his tickets, telephoned Max Harrell and said in her usual cheery voice, "Wake up, just won half a million dollars." Now that is a wake up call to beat them all!
"I had been playing one game, two games.. .just what you call pot luck. But I couldn't do much with that. I needed a system," said Max.
"Gail Howard's systems truly turned dumb luck into smart luck," he jubilantly exclaimed.
Wonda, his 66 year-old wife, encouraged him. "He sat in his chair for hours and he was studying for some horrible test. I thought he was going to win, especially the last few weeks. I kept saying, 'You're going to win the big one,' didn't I, Max?"
After spending many hours studying the systems and information in my Special Report, Max said he returned to lottery play with more confidence. Commenting on his big win, the 78 year-old winner said, "It makes a big difference for the future. I can go to bed at night and know the next day I'll have money to spend and live on. We'll always know where our next meal is coming from."
When asked if he had any plans for the money, he replied, "Oh, definitely! Help my family, my wife's family and a few other people on the side. You never know."
I was absolutely thrilled to know that my methods and systems had helped the Harrells become half a million dollars richer. A couple of days later, I flew to California to make a television commercial (the 30-minute Lottery Buster infomercial). When I returned to New York, there were two thank you letters in my post office box, from members of the Miller Die-Hards, who had won a $1.4 million lotto jackpot on August 4, 1986—just two days after the Max and Wonda Harrell had won their jackpot.
Max and Wonda Harrell wrote: "After reading Gail Howard's book, State Lotteries: How to Get In It and How to Win It, I have won nineteen prizes to date. In my first week of play, I won seven prizes: one fourth prize of $28.00 and six fifth prizes. In the 2nd, 3rd and 4th week, I won one fifth prize each draw, and in my sixth week of play, I won one first prize jackpot of $516,234.80 plus eight fifth prizes."
Winning Products
The lottery products Max Harrell used to win the Canada Lotario jackpot: Special ReportState Lotteries: How to Get In It and How to Win It - No longer in print. Lottery Master Guide is the current strategy book.