Maryland Bonus Match 5 Lottery Winner 2010

$52,000 Prize Won in Maryland
Maryland Lottery Press Release Credits Gail Howard for Jackpot Win
$52,000 Maryland Bonus Match 5 Winner
by Gail Howard
If it had not been for a loyal, kind and caring customer, I would never have known that jackpot winner David Williams had credited my systems for his $52,000 win in the Maryland Bonus Match 5 lotto game.
Diana F. of Temple Hills, Maryland emailed my office, “I checked the new winners for Bonus Match 5 and David Williams Won the Bonus Match 5 game I think on February 28, 2010 and gave Gail Howard credit for her tools he used to win. Maybe you want to check it out.”
I checked it out and found that the Maryland State Lottery’s press release had credited “his favorite Lottery ‘guru’ Gail Howard for giving him the tools to play the game successfully.” Had it not been for Diana F., I would never have known about this jackpot winner. David Williams, himself, has not tried to contact me yet.
It made me wonder how many other jackpot winners I don’t know about – especially New York winners. Why has it been so many years since I have had a winner in New York? Don’t you know that I will not publicize your name if you ask me not to?
David Williams was the 104th lotto jackpot winner to credit his win to the Gail Howard lottery systems and strategies. To date, 109 lottery jackpots have won a combined total of $102,007,908 using my Smart Luck lottery books and lotto software.
The Maryland Lottery’s March 2nd press release did not include the date Williams won so I called the lottery and was told that he had won it on January 31, 2010. The spokeswoman also told me that Williams was extremely nice and that he had repeated over and over to be sure to mention that he had used Gail Howard’s system to win. What a lovely man to so generously credit my tools for his win!
Here is the press release from the Maryland State Lottery:
"Win is No Coincidence for La Plata Bonus Match 5 Player
"March 2, 2010
“Man Takes Home $52,000 on 52nd Birthday
“To hear David Williams talk about his big win, it wasn’t luck or even coincidence that brought him to Maryland Lottery headquarters to claim his $52,000 prize on his 52nd birthday. The key to Williams’ win? He credits his favorite Lottery “guru” Gail Howard for giving him the tools to play the game successfully.
“The Charles County resident plays Bonus Match 5, his game of choice, regularly and will play Powerball or Mega Millions when the jackpot passes a certain threshold. Williams, a father of four daughters, who is about to celebrate his 27th wedding anniversary has special plans for his prize money: buy himself a birthday gift. He’s going to purchase a 2010 Kawasaki Vulcan L/T – a motorcycle he’s wanted for over 25 years. Williams already has a helmet and has been waiting for the opportunity to put it on and ride the bike of his dreams. 'My father deserves this,' said his daughter, Shalonda Williams, who accompanied him to Lottery Headquarters. 'He has three daughters in college and I’m happy he’s able to do something for himself.'
“Bonus Match 5 is a numbers game with drawings seven evenings a week. The Lottery selects five winning numbers ranging from 1 to 39. A bonus ball will then be drawn from the remaining 34 numbers. The bonus ball provides players with extra chances to win.
“The winning ticket was purchased at Dash In located at 601 Charles St. in La Plata.”
David Williams Hits Another Jackpot!!
We have since learned that David Williams won another jackpot in 2013. Congratulations, David! Here is the press release from the Maryland State Lottery:"LAPLATA BONUS MATCH 5 FAN SCORES AGAIN
"January 23, 2013
"When David Williams of LaPlata visited Lottery headquarters last week, he knew exactly where to go and what to expect. The $50,000 Bonus Match 5 prize he claimed last week was his second top prize win, making him not only a veteran player, but a veteran winner.
"Williams, a federal employee, won his first $50,000 Bonus Match 5 top prize six years ago. In the interim, he’s won the game’s lower-tier prizes often. “I have several sets of numbers that I play. They’ve been very good to me over the years.”
"Williams told Lottery officials that he’d bought tickets for the weekend and for some reason, woke up at 4 a.m. on Sunday. “I couldn’t get back to sleep so I checked the Bonus Match 5 results on the Lottery’s webpage. That’s when I started to recognize numbers.” He immediately ran out to his car in his pajamasto retrieve his tickets.
"Sure enough, his memory had not misled him. Not only had he matched the five winning numbers on one line, but another line’s numbers added more than $1,000 to his total. “I was thrilled, of course, but not really surprised. As strange as it may sound, I expect to win.”
"David plans to put his winnings into a “rainy day” fund. The winning ticket was purchased from the PG Check Cashing store at 6035 Marlboro Pike in Forestville."
Winning Products
The lottery products David Williams used to win the MD BonusMatch5 jackpot: Advantage Gold and Wheel #53108
Number Selection Lotto Software
8 Number 3/4 Guarantee Balanced Wheel® Lotto System #53108 found in:

Balanced Lotto Wheel® Software for Pick-5 Games

Balanced Wheel® System Book for Pick-5 Games