Illinois Lottery Winner

"We Laughed All the Way to Austin. What a Happy Ride!"
Bob Ebert and his wife, Jane, were barreling down the highway, driving daughter, Laura, back home to Austin, Texas, when Laura's cell phone rang. It was his brother, Eldon, calling with the good news that they had just won the Illinois Little Lotto (now Lucky Day Lotto) jackpot.
Bob said, "He and our daughter, Amy, had been trying to reach us for fifteen hours to let us know we won, but we had been out of cell phone coverage area while driving through New Mexico and east Texas.
"We were so excited, we pulled the car over to the side of the road and hollered and shouted. Eldon asked us to guess how much we had won. Usually, there are two winners and the payout is about $33,000. But this time, there was no other winner. We won the entire $73,338. When we got back into the car and continued driving, we laughed all the way to Austin. What a happy ride!"
"Eldon and I played Lotto as partners, so we split the winnings. With our half, Jane and I paid bills, bought some furniture and gave our kids, Laura and Amy, some money. After we paid off the two credit cards, I cut them up. Paying off those credit cards was a real relief. It took the stress off of us. We had just lost our family business the previous year and winning the lottery was a godsend to us."
In his letter, Bob Ebert wrote: "Dear Ms Howard, Last June I bought your Advantage Gold, Wheel Five Gold and Wheel Six Gold software. We started playing with them right away. It was the ninth play that we hit the Illinois Little Lotto.
"My brother and I work together on the lottery numbers. This way, we have two different views on picking the numbers. He likes the Skip and Hit® chart, and I like to use the numbers that shows the stars [the automatic Smart Picks].
"We knew that we could pick four numbers most of the time, but we didn't know about the fifth number. My brother had a hunch about the fifth number. This number had been drawn three times in a row and he picked it. On July 5, 2002, it proved to be a winning number. We used the Balanced Wheel® 3014 in 100 combinations.
"We won $73,338 playing the Illinois Little Lotto. Your system was a winner for us. I expect to win it again, against all odds. Sincerely, Bob Ebert"
As Bob Ebert told me on the phone, "For four draws in a row, we won a second prize and on the fifth draw, we won the jackpot plus three second prizes and a third prize. Everyone told us we were very lucky. We said, 'We weren't lucky, we just had a good system!'"
Try out your luck with free winning Lottery Wheel #3014, the same wheel used to win Illinois Little Lotto.
Winning Products
The lottery products Bob Ebert used to win the IL Little Lotto jackpot: Advantage Gold and Wheel #3014
Number Selection Lotto Software
22 number 3/4 guarantee Balanced Wheeling® Lotto System #3014 found as wheel #53122-J (or similar wheel #53122) in:

Balanced Lotto Wheel® Software for Pick-5 Games

Balanced Wheel® System Book for Pick-5 Games