Michigan Lottery Winner

"I Was Already a Millionaire. I Just Hadn't Collected My Money."
Will Richey of Detroit, Michigan, has used positive thinking to improve the quality of his life for the past 15 years. And it helped him win a million dollars in the Michigan Lottery on January 7.
Will Richey sent for my Special Report, State Lotteries: How to Get In It and How to Win It, and received it in December. Just three weeks after reading my lottery handicapping methods, Will Richey combined my system with his own positive mental attitudes to win a million dollars.
His first two weeks of play resulted in a third prize win of $49. The third week he hit the jackpot. The $3,329,796 prize was divided among three winners. Richey's share was $1,109,932.
Will Richey, 53, is the owner-manager of Miracle Performance Carpet Care Company and his wife, Juanita, is the owner-manager of Doorway to Health. They have twin girls, Jackie and Jocelin, age 16.
The day before the drawing, Mrs. Richey was very excited. She told her family, "I know we're going to win the Lotto!!!"
On January 7th, as Richey watched the Lotto numbers being drawn on television, he shouted, "We got three of them...we got four of them...we got five of them... we got SIX of them!
As Richey checked his tickets, Mrs. Richey asked with excited impatience, "Are they all together? Are they all together?"
"Yes, they are," he coolly replied.
"Are you sure?" she asked.
"I'm sure."
Then the girls started screaming and shouting and jumping and leaping and everyone was hugging one another.
"Juanita even shed a few tears," Richey confided.
After the initial excitement subsided, Richey said, "Let's check those numbers again." And they checked them again . . . and again and again.
Richey couldn't quite believe their good fortune until he went to the lottery office in Lansing to claim his prize. He filled in the forms and was issued a check on the spot for $45,866 - the first of 20 installments. As he left the lottery office with check in hand, the reality of the win finally dawned on him. In the parking lot he "let loose with a loud 'YA HOOO!!'"
Richey claims he got his M.S. degree at the University of Hard Knocks--M.S. standing for "Millionaire Status."
A member of Optimist International, he claims he has lived with a positive attitude for 15 years.
The Richeys discovered that having the right attitude is an important ingredient for winning. Rather than just hoping to win enough to pay off the mortgage, they had taken steps to expand their carpet business.
Active churchgoers, the Richeys also had committed to a three-year, $12,000 building-fund donation without really knowing where they would get the money. "We went ahead with our plans and acted as if the money was already there," Richey said. "We just knew the money would come and it did."
"I'm optimistic but also practical, and I just knew when I got your book that this was it. We were totally committed to winning that Lotto jackpot and it happened," said Richey. "Before I won the Lotto jackpot, I was already a millionaire. I just hadn't collected my money."
With their first big win having come after only three tries, the Richey are confident that they can do it again using Gail Howard's method. They are already off to a good start. The Saturday after the million dollar hit, they used my system to win three smaller Lotto prizes totaling more than $250.
Winning Products
The lottery products Will Richey used to win the Michigan Lotto jackpot: Special Report and Wheel #608State Lotteries: How to Get In It and How to Win It - No longer in print. Lottery Master Guide is the current strategy book.
18 number 4/6 guarantee Balanced Wheeling® Lotto System #608 found as wheel #64218 in:

Balanced Lotto Wheel® Software for Pick-6 and Pick-7 Games

Balanced Wheel® System Book for Pick-6 and Pick-7 Games
More Info Buy Lotto How to Wheel a Fortune on Amazon