Canada Lottery Jackpot Winner

1,096,682 Reasons to Trust Gail Howard's Lottery System
Here are some excerpts from the Camrose newspaper "Marie Cloarec has 1,096,682 reasons to trust her lottery system. She won the Canada National Lotto jackpot Nov. 8 along with another ticket holder.
"Cloarec also won two five-number prizes and three four-number prizes in the draw which she credits to a system of mathematical probabilities. She first started using the system one and a half years ago from a book called Lotto How to Wheel a Fortune, by Gail Howard. Before the big win, she estimated she had won about $8,000.
"On the night of the draw, Cloarec was attending a meeting and asked her son Mark to get the numbers from a CFCW broadcast. Mark knew she had been playing the number eight for a few weeks and when she got home he told her it hadn't been drawn. He didn't check the 63 tickets she purchased. "Well I'll check them anyway," said Cloarec.
"Once she had the numbers Mark wrote down, she began to worry if they were official. She waited to hear them again on CFCW, but when they weren't broadcast when she expected, she called the station and told the announcer she thought she had a winner. "He asked me to read the numbers off my ticket, then he said 'Ya, you got a winner.'" The numbers were still unofficial, so Cloarec turned on the television to watch the draw retelevised on the news.
"When we saw the winning numbers drawn, then all the hoopla started."
"Marie and two of her three children, Mark and Marguerite, started screaming and jumping around. A call was also immediately placed to the eldest child, Michelle. In the meantime, Marie's husband Joe had gone to bed saying he would believe it when he saw the money in the bank. He believes it now since Marie picked up the check Nov. 10 and it's safely in the bank."
"The prize was $2,185,361.60, but was split with another ticket holder. Her share amounted to $1,092,680.80 plus the five and four number prizes she hit. She held 66 tickets for the 6-49 draw."
"She first started when she read about the book in a magazine and decided it would make a fun hobby. She had never played a lottery before then.
Winning Products
The lottery products Marie Cloarec used to win the Canada National Lotto jackpot: Special Report and Lotto How to Wheel a FortuneState Lotteries: How to Get In It and How to Win It - No longer in print. Lottery Master Guide is the current strategy book.

Balanced Wheel® System Book for Pick-6 and Pick-7 Games
More Info Buy Lotto How to Wheel a Fortune on Amazon