Toronto, Canada Lottery Winner 2014

Mark Green wins second 7/7 Jackpot
"In a life time, we all think about winning the lottery, how winning a big jackpot would make our lives a lot more easier. I live in Toronto, Canada and play a Ontario Daily Keno game, where they draw 20 numbers from a field of 70 numbers. On Sept. 21st. 2013, I won my first jackpot of $5,150.00, hitting 7/7.
By reading up the great knowledge from Gail Howard's - Lottery Master Guide and outstanding software charts were my tools to picking my winning numbers. While using Gail Howard's 4 a. abbreviated hit chart in A+ on Nov.7th.2014, I hit again 7/7 for my second jackpot of 5,000.00. Now that I found a chart that wins for me, my goal now is to continue my quest up the keno winning ladder. In the past, I have won 20 other times, hitting 7/8.
The payout for 8/8 pays 25,000.00 on a 1.00 bet. A few year's back, I came across a facebook lottery group site, a private group ran by TexAmos Fernandez. We became the best of friends, and has mentor me over the years on ways of trapping the best numbers. The group is also been a great stepping stone of learning from some of the nicest people from all over the world. We are a lively small group, which has grown into a nice lottery family.
My method of winning is simple, first, you need to invest in buying Gail Howard's Lottery Master Guide, or purchase great software programs such as A+ and soon to be released A+ Gold. Finally, choose a system or wheel that works well with your state lottery, spend the time to study how your numbers flow. Play within your limit and having patience, confidence in yourself is the key of winning and if you do that, you will indeed be rewarded. Remember... All the best luck is Smartluck!
Sometimes I Win! Sometimes I Don't Win! But I Never Lose!"
Winning Products
The lottery products Wayne M. used to win the CA Fantasy 5 jackpot: Wheel #5322222 Number 3/5 Guarantee Balanced Wheel® Lotto System #53222 found in:

Balanced Lotto Wheel® Software for Pick-5 Games

Balanced Wheel® System Book for Pick-5 Games