Gail Howard's Multiple Prize Wins

Multiple Prize Lotto Wins are Fun, Fun, Fun!
The lottery advantage of using Gail Howard's Balanced Lotto Wheels is that when you win, you can beat the odds many times and win several prizes with just one lotto wheel played. For example, in one drawing, Gail Howard won one 2nd prize plus four 3rd prizes and two 4th prizes in New York's pick-6 lotto game with the winning tickets shown above. Gail beat the odds of one chance in 30,961 to win a second prize once. Gail also beat the odds of one chance in 669 FOUR TIMES; and she beat the odds of one chance in 42 TWICE. All of those wins resulted from a $19 lottery wheel played one time! That is like being seated in Yankee Stadium when it is half filled - and out of that crowd, being the only winner.