Smart Luck Free Lottery Software Patches
NOTE: These free patches are for OLDER software versions and they will only patch up to the last version of the same program. These patches WILL NOT update your DOS programs to the new Wheel Gold or Advantage Gold programs. Purchasing an upgrade is required for these new programs.The following patch files will update some older versions of Smart Luck Programs to a newer version. These patches are available at no charge. However, they are "patches" to lottery software programs and will ONLY work with exactly the files to be patched. You must already have the older version of the program installed on the computer you are patching.
We do not offer free program patches for versions older than the ones listed. If you have an older version, see about our software upgrades. If you have never purchased a version of the program, you can purchase new software here.

(list of changes in Advantage Gold)
This will upgrade any Advantage Gold release from version 3.43a or newer to the current 3.55 version. It creates and removes a temporary directory and will search your hard drives to find the folder to patch, so this does not need to be downloaded into the Advantage Gold folder but can be placed anywhere so long as you can find it.
Last updated May 11, 2004: Upgrade purchase required for Advantage Gold.

(list of changes in the Balanced Wheel® programs)
This will patch Wheel Four Plus, Wheel Five Plus, and Wheel Six Plus versions from 3.14 or higher up to the 3.24 version of the Plus programs. Last updated May 11, 2004
Note that this patch will NOT update your old Plus program to the newest versions of these programs (requires upgrade purchase) - Wheel 4 Gold, Wheel 5 Gold, and Wheel 6 Gold. See more info about Wheel Gold.

(list of changes in Full Wheel Generator)
This will patch any Full Wheel Generator versions from 3.07 to 3.12 to 3.14 Full Wheel Generator.
Last updated May 11, 2004
Note that this patch will NOT update your old FWG program to the newest versions, FWGP or FFWG. You can purchase an upgrade to our new Windows program Filtering Full Wheel Generator.

(list of changes in Keno Wheel)
This will patch any Keno Wheel version 2.01 or newer to the current version.
Last updated May 11, 2004
Note that this patch will NOT update your old Keno Wheel program to the newest version of this program (requires upgrade purchase) - Wheel 10 Gold. See more info about Wheel Gold.
Patch Installation Instructions
If you are using AOL or (Internet Explorer) and your Internet Security is set to the highest level, you will not be able to download these EXE files. You will have to change the security setting to "medium" in order to proceed.
If the option is available when you click on the links below, choose "run from this location" rather than save to file. It is much simpler, as you don't have to locate where the file was saved on your computer.
If you can't run from our site, then download by right-mouse clicking on the link below and choose "Save target as ..." When the file dialog box opens, locate the GH folder (normally c:\gh) and save the file there.
When the download is complete, use Windows explorer to locate the c:\gh folder, then click on the exe file that you downloaded (or double click if that's the way your windows is set up). This will install the patch automatically.
All patches will search your hard drives looking for a prior installation. You can press the spacebar to interrupt the search if you know where you installed the program or you installed it in the default location.
Each patch contains a .txt file link shown after the program file link below describing the latest changes to the program.
(Note: don't re-install the Advantage Gold History disks or you will lose your current history information.)
Patch Cautions
Programs older than the above versions are only available as lotto software upgrades and can be purchased at very generous discounts using our secure order form. If you've never purchased software, none of the patches or upgrades will work because they are designed as updates to existing programs.
NO TELEPHONE TECHNICAL SUPPORT IS AVAILABLE FOR THIS. If you have a problem, you can contact Support. Be sure to describe the problem as accurately and with as much detail as you can.
We have made a serious and time consuming effort to provide these free software patches, but there may still be a few intermediate releases that will not patch. We cannot guarantee that your version will be patchable even though it might fall within the range of versions specified. If your patch fails and you have previously upgraded by patching, try re-installing the patchable version from your original disks and try patching again. We have re-done the installation programs used in these patches to eliminate some known issues. If you encounter specific problems, please let us know about them by email.
These patches will not fix the 64-bit Windows problem. The programs are being completely rewritten, as 64-bit XP, Vista, and 7 have disabled the ability to run DOS programs.
- ORDER (M-F 8am-5pm EST): 1-727-441-8906
- TECH SUPPORT (M-F 1pm-5pm EST): 1-727-441-8714