Contact Gail Howard's Smart Luck for Technical Support

Smart Luck Technical Support Contact Form

Be as specific as you can with your questions. If you have a problem or are getting an error message, describe the problem in detail, including any specific error text. If you send us a message that says "I can't get it to work", we will not be able to help you without a lot more information.

Fill in all fields correctly, or we will not be able to help you. In the product name box, put the program or book your question is referring to. If you are not asking about a problem with a specific product, your question is probably meant for Product Information.

Most Common Questions

Check our extensive FAQ to see if your question is answered there before contacting us.

Email for Technical Support

Your CORRECT Email Address:

Your FULL Name:

Product Name (e.g. Advantage Gold):

Your Message (in English):

Email Address Problems and Reply Time Frame

Be sure you enter your email address correctly. If you have any typos in the email, we will have no way of replying to your inquiry.

We make every effort to reply to all emails in a timely fashion. If you send us an email and don't get a reply within two business days, it most likely means that you have given us an invalid email address as your return address. Please check for this and even "reply" to a test email sent to yourself and work with your ISP until it works before contacting us again. If our reply bounces, we have no way to get back to you. Also check your spam or bulk mail folder in case our reply was sent there.

If your email is blocking us, we will not attempt to send again, so be sure that you allow mail from We will also not answer any automatic replies that ask us to join your list for our email to go through.

AOL customers, especially, please make sure that you have your permissions set to allow a reply from We will not try again if our reply bounces because you have refused it.

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