Smart Luck
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What does the unable to locate usa.exe error mean?
A: We are not sure exactly what is causing this rare error, but the few cases we have heard of have been
resolved by the following:
Steps to Remove SLHHTTP.INI Configuration File in Advantage Plus
- First, please make sure you have the most up to date version of Lottery Updater.
run lusetup.exe here to install the current version.
- Run Lottery Updater again and if the problem is fixed, you don't need to finish these steps.
- If the new version has not fixed the problem, make sure Advantage Gold and Lottery Updater are closed.
- Go to the folder where Advantage Plus is installed, usually C:\GH. If you do
not know how to locate this file, view instructions here.
- Locate slhhttp.ini and delete the file.
- Run Lottery Updater again.
Lottery Updater will recreate the slhftp.ini file and may take a few minutes to reinitialize itself.
After it's done, you should be able to use Lottery Updater again, unless the problem was actually a connection
problem. Go to Choose Your Favorite Lotteries to reselect which games you want to download,
as these settings were lost when the slhftp.ini file was deleted.