Smart Luck
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Does your software run on Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 10, Macintosh, or other devices?
A:The short answer is that yes, our software will run on any 32-bit and 64-bit version of Windows.
Programs that are Fully Compatible with Windows
ALL of the new versions of our software that we currently sell are compatible:
Advantage Gold, FFWG, Wheel Six Gold, Wheel Five Gold, Wheel Four Gold, Wheel Ten Gold.
These are our NEW Windows programs that will run on 32-bit AND 64-bit versions of Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, and Windows 10.
No Programs are Directly Compatible with Macintosh
Although Smart Luck software was designed for Windows PC's and there is no Macintosh version of the programs,
you can still install our software on a mac with the use of a Virtual Machine running Windows.
Find out more info about using these methods to run our software on a Mac here.
No Programs are Compatible with Cell Phone or Tablet Applications
We regret that there are no app versions for any of our software designed to run on
Ipads, Kindle Fire, Nook, Nexus 7, Iphones, Blackberries, Andriod, etc.
We have no plans at this time to create such versions.
We recommend Lottery Advantage Charts for a way to view the strategy charts from Advantage Gold on other devices.
You can order a PDF download of charts for any game for just $15. They can be viewed on any device that supports PDF files, or you can print them.
You can also use the free wheels on our website on any device with a web browser with javascript enabled.