A Double Hit Ratio
® tells which of last week's winning lottery numbers are most likely
to be drawn as winners this week. To calculate: add the Multiple Hits and divide
them into the number of single hits. New Lotto games that have little historical data,
generally have higher average Double Hit Ratios.
The lotto numbers that have a Double Hit Ratio LOWER than average are the
best to play for a repeat hit (two wins in a row) in the next drawing. For example, a lotto
number with a Double Hit Ratio of 3.0 is more likely to hit two games in a row than a lotto
number with a Double Hit Ratio of 9.0. A Lotto number with a Double Hit Ratio of 3.0
averages one Double Hit (two wins in a row) for approximately each three single hits it has.
But a number with a Double Hit Ratio of 9.0 averages one Double Hit for each nine single
hits it has.
How do you find repeat hot lotto numbers to play tonight?
To see the Double Hit Ratio calculated for your game, look for the column on the extreme right of the
Multiple Hit Pattern Chart in Advantage Gold.

Screenshot of Advantage Gold, Multiple Hit Pattern Chart