Free Lotto Winning Wheeling Systems
Use Gail Howard's Original Interactive 30-Second Lottery Wheels™ FREE!
Balanced Wheels® let you pick a large group of lottery numbers and arrange your lotto numbers into tickets to buy that will guarantee you'll win a lotto prize if some or all of the winning lottery numbers are in that group.
That's right - you'll be GUARANTEED to win a lotto prize with these wheels if you match the required amount of numbers.
If you are new to lotto wheeling, check out our article, "What is Lottery Wheeling?" for more info on this exciting method to winning more lottery prizes.
Improve your odds and get MORE lotto wins! It's easy!

Right here, for FREE, you can use a Smart Luck lottery wheel that won a $15 million lottery jackpot in a pick-6 lotto. Or try a free wheel that won EIGHT first prize cash-5 lotto jackpots (can also be used for Powerball type games!). We offer 6 different easy to use FREE WHEELS you can try out!
You can read about all the Smart Luck lotto winners who used these lotto wheels to win their first prize jackpots in lottery games around the world. Wheeling works!

Choose 18 Numbers - Play 42 Tickets

- $15 Million Dollars Won with Lotto Wheel 608, and NINE TOTAL JACKPOTS WON! (Read winner's story)
- FREE Static Form version of Lotto Wheel 608. Print and fill in the boxes.
Free Lottery Wheels for Pick-5, Powerball, Mega Millions, and EuroMillions

Two Lottery Jackpots Won with SYSTEM 52225!
for All Pick-5 Lotto Games - including Powerball, MEGA Millions and EuroMillions
Balanced Wheel® #52225
Choose 25 Numbers - Play 13 Tickets

(requires javascript browser)
- Two Jackpots Won with Lotto Wheel 52225 (Read winners' story)
- FREE Static Form version of Lotto Wheel 52225. Print and fill in the boxes.
Eight Lottery Jackpots Won with SYSTEM 3014
for All Pick-5 Lotto Games - including Powerball, MEGA Millions and EuroMillions
Balanced Lotto Wheel® #3014
Choose 22 Numbers - Play 100 Tickets
TRY FREE Lotto Wheeling System 3014 - Interactive
(requires javascript browser)
(requires javascript browser)
- EIGHT Pick-5 Jackpots Won with Lotto Wheel 3014 (Read winners' stories).
- FREE Static Form Version of Lotto Wheel 3014. Print and fill in the boxes.
Two Lottery Jackpots Won with SYSTEM 3003!
for All Pick-5 Lotto Games - including Powerball, MEGA Millions and EuroMillions
Balanced Wheel® #3003
Choose 11 Numbers - Play 10 Tickets

(requires javascript browser)
- TWO Florida Fantasy 5 Jackpots won with Lotto Wheel 3003 (Read both winners' stories).
- FREE Static Form of Lotto system 3003. Print and fill in the boxes.
Pick-5 Lottery Jackpot Won with SYSTEM 3526!
for All Pick-5 Lotto Games with 35 or more numbers - including Powerball, MEGA Millions and EuroMillions
Balanced Wheel® #3526
Choose 35 Numbers - Play 162 Tickets

(requires javascript browser)
- PICK-5 Lotto Jackpot won with Lotto Wheel 3526 (Read winners' story).
Pick-5 Large Wheel #3527
for MEGA MILLIONS, POWERBALL, and all Pick-5 games with 39 or more numbers
Balanced Wheel® #3527
Choose 39 Numbers - Play 263 Tickets

(requires javascript browser)
More Free Wheels
Lotto Wheeling
Understanding Lottery Wheeling- What is lottery wheeling
- Why lottery Balanced Wheels® produce so many jackpot winners
- FAQ: How does wheeling work with Powerball?
- FAQ: What does minimum win guarantee mean?
- FAQ: Why does the wheeling software say I can only wheel up to a certain number when the lottery I play has a bigger number field than that?
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- TECH SUPPORT (M-F 1pm-5pm EST): 1-727-441-8714