Smart Luck

Repost on How to use VDOS with DOS programs

This is a repost of an article we originally posted in Facebook.

Tip from Joe for those who insist on using Advantage Plus rather than Advantage Gold. Note – this is totally optional and only needed if you are using Advantage Plus and want to improve the experience.

Vdos is a free alternative to DOSBOX. Unlike DOSBOX it is able to directly deal with the printer, screens are fully scalable with much more readable fonts and the program opens just about instantly. The only reason we don’t configure Advantage Plus to work with this program and ship it is it would cost us 60 Euros per copy that we ship (it is made by a group from the Netherlands). It is free for personal use so you can use it for free. The only cost is you have to download and install it and then configure it per the instructions below which only takes a few minutes. The only skills required are:

• downloading and installing a program

• how to edit text files with notepad

• how to make a desktop shortcut.

You can find youtube videos for any of those things.

Using VDOS instead of DOSBOX with Advantage Plus

1. Install vdos from to folder c:\vdos

2. Open folder

3. Edit file autoexec.txt with notepad

4. At the beginning of the document type:

use d: c:\gh


gail.exe /ns


5. Save the file

6. Make a shortcut on the desktop to vdos.exe. Name it Aplus. When it runs it will open Advantage Plus directly.

To Setup Advantage Plus Printing

1. From the main menu press F9 – setup.

2. Press 2 for printer setup.

3. Press enter leaving the sideways program name blank

4. Press F2-Pick printer and choose hp laser

5. Type LPT1 for printer name.

6. Press ESC to exit back to main menu.

When you print in Advantage Plus, it will open a normal print dialog and you can send the output to any of the printers installed.