About Game Changes and Advantage Gold Our Advantage Gold lottery software can use any group of drawings in the .SLH Smart Luck history file that you select. In most cases, our files have drawings from the beginning of the game, but many games have changed number format multiple times. In cases like these, we wait […]
Category: Lotto Tips
Dreaming of winning a lotto? Can you see yourself sitting on a tropical beach, or driving your new sports car, and feeling stress-free because your mortgage and credit card bills are payed off? For most people, this might only possible if you win the lottery. That’s why millions dream of winning a lotto jackpot. But, […]
Older News
For Smart Luck’s older news posts, please visit: Smart Luck Newsflash Smart Luck Lotto Alert Note: These pages are no longer updated, as current news is posted on this blog. Refer to these links only for news posts from 2015 or earlier.